План-конспект уроку з
англійської мови
Клас 4
Тема: Round the Calendar.
Тип уроку урок узагальнення і систематизації знань
Мета: встановлення рівня оволодіння учнями основними
знаннями за темою “Round the Calendar”
(Seasons. Months. Dates. Holidays.) , приведення
навчального матеріалу до певної системи.
Освітня мета
Активізувати і систематизувати вивчені лексичні одиниці
та граматичні структури за темою( дати, порядкові числівники, назви місяців,
сезонів року, назв свят).
Навчати дітей створювати і вирішувати проблемні ситуації.
Забезпечувати засвоєння учнями знань і способів дій на
рівні застосування їх у різноманітних ситуаціях.
Розвиваюча мета
Розвивати навички сприймання інформації на слух та роботи
з автентичними матеріалами.
Вдосконалювати навички діалогічного мовлення в процесі
роботи в парах.
Тренувати учнів в монологічному мовленні.
Розвивати логічне мислення при вирішенні проблемних
питань, пам’ять та увагу.
Виховна мета
Виховувати позитивне ставлення до культури Великої
Британії, США та України, інтерес до вивчення іноземної мови для орієнтації в
сучасному суспільстві.
Формувати толерантність, тактовність, уміння знаходити
засоби вербального спілкування.
Обладнання: підручник PB English by Oksana Karpiuk, Natalya Kohut; CD програвач, інтерактивна дошка, наочний матеріал(
картинки-смайліки), аркуші з вправами.
1.Greeting . Organizing .moment.
-Good morning, children.
- Good morning, teacher.
- I’m glad to see you.
- I’m glad to see you.
2.Game “Microphone”.
-What day is it today?
- Today is Thursday.
- What date is it today?
- Today is the 12-th of
- What’s the weather like
- Today is cold, frosty and
- Do you like this weather?
- Yes, I like it very much.
3. .Introducing the topic and the aims of the lesson.
Children find out the topic
by setting the problem question and solving the problem task- solving the
Teacher: At the beginning of
the lesson let’s solve the crossword to get to know what we are going to do at
the lesson.
That’s right, the word
CALENDAR is a key-word today and at the lesson we’re going to divide the
calendar into different parts and to describe the events round the calendar. And
at the end we’ll find out your favourite holidays and main events during the year.
So, the topic is ROUND THE CALENDAR.
4. Phonetic drill
-W weather
wet together when
-Th together weather
-O scold
Reciting the tounge-twister
In chain
When the weather is wet
We must not fret.
When the weather is cold
We must not scold.
When the weather is warm
We must not storm.
But be joyful together
Whatever the weather.
5. Discussion.(with the
-Let’s divide the year into
the biggest parts, I mean four parts. Who can guess, what are they?
-They are seasons.
-That’s right. So, how many
seasons are there?
- There are four seasons.
- What are they?
- They are winter, spring,
summer and autumn.
6. Listening. The aim is to
find out the definite information .
T: Now you will watch a
video about the seasons. You should be very attentive because after watching
you are to answer the questions. And pay attention on the fact that here autumn
is called FALL because of the American English used in the song.
7. Comprehension check.
You can see four questions
with variants of answers on the sheets of paper. Your task is to choose the
correct variant and write the full answer below. You’ve got three minutes to do
What do people like doing in
a) Sledding b) Watching TV
What does it start in
a)Starts to be cold b) Starts to warm up
What do children do in
a)Do their homework b) Don’t have school
What do people do in fall?
a)Pick apples and wear
sweatshirts b) Stay at home when
it’s rains
8. Pair work
Pupils ask and answer the
questions after the listening in pairs.
9. Summary of the first part
of the lesson. Mini-monologues in chain.
T: I’m sure that you have
you own favourite season. As for me, my favourite season is spring because I
can go outside on a warm day and enjoy the nature. What about you?
Pupils express their
10. Warming up.
T: Now let’s show what we
can do if we want to relax.
Pupils sing a song along
with the actions
11. Discussion (with the microphone)
- So, we divided the year
into four parts- the seasons. And every season has its months. How many months
are there in a year?
- There are twelve months.
- What are
winter/spring/summer/autumn months?
(Pupils answer)
12.Reading the text “The
calendar and the holidays”
Almost every month of the year has a holiday.
Let’s read about the calendar and learn about the holidays. Ex.3 p.73
13.Comprehension check. Ex.4
p. 74
Children choose the correct
point of the question.
14. Game “Crosses and Noughts”
St. Valentine’s
New Year
St. Nicolas’ Day
April Fool’s
During playing the game
pupils are in two teams. Every team has its symbol-a cross or a naught. By
saying the correct sentence about the date of the holiday they can draw the
symbol on the square with the title of the holiday. The winner is the team
which will draw a line of crosses or the line of noughts.
Example of the sentence: New
Year is on the first of January.
15. Presentation of the
T: Well, we have already
discussed the main events of the calendar and I think you are ready to speak
about your favourite holiday. Now I’ll tell you about my favourite holiday and
you should guess what is it.
I celebrate this holiday on
the 14-th of February. I like to give and to get toy hearts and cards like
hearts as the heart is a symbol of this holiday. Can you guess the holiday? Of
course, it’s St. Valentine’s Day. And what about yours? Let’s guess your
favourite holidays.
Pupils represent their
projects by showing the written project and telling about it orally.
16. Evaluating.
The teacher speaks about
advantages and disadvantages of every pupil’s answer and puts the marks.
17. I think I’ll be right if
I say that everybody is usually happy on the holiday. Let’s sing and show the
song about how happy we are.
I am H-A-P-P-Y
I am H-A-P-P-Y
I know I am
I’m sure I am
I am H-A-P-P-Y
Pupils sing the song and
clap hands (the tune ‘Bingo)
18. Home task
T: You told us about you
holidays and we will be glad to come to your party. At home you should prepare
an invitation card and invite someone to your party. You can see the example of
a card in your books on page 86. Write down your home task.
Children evaluate the lesson
with smiles. Everyone has two pictures of smiles- a happy smile and a sad one.
They choose the smile and give to the teacher.